The Welford Millennium Conservation Area lies in the Parish of Welford-on-Avon, mainly between the River Avon and the B439 Stratford to Bidford Evesham Road. An action group was set up to organise the work and raise the necessary funding to proceed
The main stages of the project were carried out during 1999 and 2000 and this activity included:
* Clearance of scrub and fallen trees
* New road works with a layby, footpath and grass verges
* Replacement of fencing and gates
* Dredging water channels and pools
* Planting trees, shrubs hedges and bulbs
* Leveling and sowing a wildflower meadow
* Replanting historic osier beds
The project involved the helpful support and cooperation of Welford and Binton Parish Councils, the County and District Councils, the Environment Agency and several landowners.
The Welford Millennial Project Trust was subsequently established as a charity to ensure the ongoing maintenance and ongoing improvement of the site, which it continues to do with volunteers and groups of individuals doing community service. The work is supported financially by a small annual donation from the Welford Parish Council and where possible grants from other organizations.
More recently the area has been extended to include the woodland up to the entrance to the old Flogas depot and also to include the three ‘islands’ on the river, one on the western side of Binton Road and two on the eastern side. Two of the islands are available for fishing.
In February 2014 a major tree planting exercise was completed with a total of over 550, mainly native deciduous trees planted which will eventually extend the existing woodland to Binton Road. The islands have been planted with Weeping Willow and Alder, varieties which will withstand the frequent flooding. A permissive footpath has been opened from Binton Road to the end of the woodland which locals and visitors are invited to walk.
An interpretation board and a plaque on the site provide information for visitors and new residents about the history of the area end also details of the project.
Although most of the most of the Welford Millennium Conservation Area is on private land guided tours can be arranged with a few days notice. Anyone interested in a tour should contact Dereck Tribe (Mobile: 07890 324 625 or Tel: 01789 750727)

The Welford Millennium Conservation Area

Millennium Trust Information Board

The site from the road

Volunteers Working Hard!

View towards the road
View towards the road
A stream between the river and a pond
A stream between the river and a pond
Millennium Site in Summer
Millennium Site in Summer
Winter Pruning

Millennium Trust Wild Flowers