Binton Bridge Road Closure Update
*Welford on Avon BRIDGE*
The road closure durations will be kept to a minimum and access to pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained at all times.
The Council will be in touch with all the local stakeholders once the works programme is finalised and be more specific with closure and diversion route details.
Alternative routing for public transport provision including schools will be put in place and will be established in advance.
Diversion route details will be put in place and signed throughout the proposed works on the bridge and will go some way to mitigate impact on local businesses.
“Pedestrian access over the bridge will be maintained during the works and couny can assure the bridge will be kept open to vehicles as much as possible.”
NEW UPDATE from Warwickshire County Council 

“The works to repair and restore Brinton Bridge South, are currently programmed to begin in mid-August and continue to March 2024. This includes a stand-down period over the winter when the temperature and river levels are not favourable for historic repair methods. These are preliminary dates, as the council is still working with the Environment Agency to develop working methods that will minimise the ecological and flood risk impact. The programme will include some periods where road closures are required, such as when the scaffolding is erected and when they repair structurally sensitive areas of the bridge.
